Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Removing Nationality

I believe that pet peeves are international - whether you are Rican or Hungarian. I have started to take note of my pet peeves and with the help of my fans I have learned that I have many, so here goes a couple from today:

1) I hate the instructions that play after you hear someone's voicemail (press 1 to leave a message or to page this person press 5). Cell phones are like assholes ---everyone has one and we know how to wipe them..or record a voice mail.
2) I hate that they can't include a USB cable when you buy a printer and the people at best buy that sell them to you but fail to mention "Um, you're going to need a usb cable for that." I don't understand why HP or Brother or whatever BILLION dollar company can't just throw one in for christ's sake.
3) I hate when people put tons of salt on their "healthy" food - like tomatoes. Didn't you just defeat the purpose?
4) I hate people that think milk does a body good. Talk about the power of suggestion. Take a visit to and read up.
5) I hate when people don't pull the shower curtain close after a shower..Mildew is gross and far be it for that person ever to buy a new one.
6) I hate toilet seats left up. LAZY
7) I hate people that don't get sarcasm. I really question their intelligence.
8) I hate when people you work with say "we are just like family" No, we're not - I am not forced to like you or go to your holiday BS. And when I don't want to deal with you anymore, it doesn't take a legal proceeding like a divorce to get rid of your damn ass.
9) I hate when people don't ask if you recycle. It's alright if you want to kill the environment from your own home, but check with me first before you throw that pop can in my garbage. Talk about intrusive.
10) I hate those stupid grocery savings cards. It just makes more work for your cashiers to pull out theirs or call for a manager. I don't want your ugly key chain card. Janitor-chic is not what I am looking for.

Thanks for letting me vent.


1 comment:

Gabi said...

Sarcasm is my love language.